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Een landgoedeigenaar stelde ons de vraag of wij een huisje konden ontwikkeling dat goed zou passen op de scheiding tussen bos en open land.

Na een rondleiding en een pakket van eisen konden we, door snel te schakelen, binnen een week een schetsontwerp presenteren. Een Nano house van ±33 m2 met 4-6 slaapplaatsen en een royale douche. Ontworpen volgens de Haaks filosofie: duurzaam, comfortabel en met maximaal contact met de natuur.

Oubliez les VR, le camping-car extensible Haaks Opperland est une mini maison à deux étages sur roues. Fri, 24 Apr 2020 08:04:15 +0000 Camping-car extensible Haaks Opperland 

Contrairement aux autres campeurs, le Haaks Opperland est une maison sur deux étages extensible sur roues. Il repose sur un châssis de base Fiat Ducato, et une fois stationné, un toit ouvrant triangulaire couvrant le coin arrière supérieur de la boîte apparaît pour concevoir un espace de vie à deux niveaux. Ou, si vous préférez être planté au sol, les pieds hydrauliques peuvent soulever le camping-car du Ducato et se préparer pour la vie intérieure / extérieure. Lire la suite pour une vidéo, des photos supplémentaires et des informations. Lire plus….

Haaks представила двухэтажный дом на колёсах Fri, 24 Apr 2020 07:47:51 +0000 Голландская компания Haaks разработала автофургон Opperland — компактный дом на колесах размеров 400 x 228 x 252 см. Opperland оснащен всеми необходимыми удобствами: спальня, расположенная наверху,  просторная гостиная с обеденной зоной на нижнем уровне, кухня с раковиной, индукционной варочной панелью и холодильником, а также маленькая ванная комната с туалетом и душем. Read more….

]]> Haaks campers provide a strong connection to nature Wed, 22 Apr 2020 09:05:43 +0000 Living on the road typically means having to sacrifice some living space, but one savvy camper company has designed an expandable truck that adds more space on demand. Dutch company Haaks has a long history of creating comfortable and functional campers built for off-grid living, but now it has outdone itself with the Opperland — a wooden camper with a pop-up roof that allows it to become a two-story tiny home. Haaks’ campers are designed to provide travelers with a strong connection to nature. The campers are modular concepts built with eco-friendly materials, such as sustainably sourced wood, and come with solar panels and other off-grid features. Additionally, the compact campers can be easily transported to any dream location.



Forget RVs, the Haaks Opperland expandable camper is a mini two-story home on wheels Tue, 21 Apr 2020 08:41:37 +0000 Unlike other campers, the Haaks Opperland is an expandable two-story home on wheels. It sits on a Fiat Ducato base chassis, and once parked, a triangular pop-up roof covering the upper rear corner of the box pops up to create a two level living space. Or, if you’d rather be planted on the ground, hydraulic legs can lift the camper up off the Ducato, and readied for indoor/outdoor living. Read more for a video, additional pictures and information.



The Haaks Nano House is Minimalist, Modular and Modern Tue, 21 Apr 2020 08:37:13 +0000 Tiny living and minimalism are often used interchangeably. However, living in a tiny house does not automatically mean someone is a minimalist. In fact, many tiny houses are so clumped that their owners would probably stick to an average house.

But once in a while we find tiny houses that are truly designed to have as few things as possible.

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Haaks Nano House: 192 Sq. Foot Tiny Home Sat, 18 Apr 2020 08:56:11 +0000 Last week we showed you the super unique Haaks Opperland Campervan that unfolds off the back of a tiny flatbed truck, but our reader James D. did some great sleuthing on the Haaks website and shared that the company also sells tiny homes with no truck that are much more affordable.

This “Wilg” model sleeps two and comes in at about 192 sq. ft. The list price is € 36.450,80, or about $40,000. This is a really neat modular home that has a lot of potential.


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Haaks CAMPERS PRESENTA SUS MODELOS DE AUTOCARAVANAS Fri, 17 Apr 2020 08:22:35 +0000 La compañía holandesa Haaks Campers presenta sus nuevos módulos de autocaravanas para disfrutar del aire libre con la máxima comodidad. Estos módulos están diseñados con materiales sostenibles duraderos de alta calidad y paneles solares, que dotan de energía al módulo.

Teniendo como base un chasis cabina de Fiat Ducato 2.3 multijet diésel (152 CV) para transportar el módulo, Haaks ofrece dos modelos. El primero de ellos, y más exclusivo, es el Opperland, que cuenta con un techo en ángulo extensible que da a esta mini casa móvil dos plantas. Esta zona se convierte en una habitación con una cama de 1,80×2 metros para dos personas en la planta de arriba, mientras que la de abajo tiene más espacio para el pequeño salón-comedor, una cocina de inducción con una batería de litio de 360 Ah, un baño con inodoro y ducha, un armario interior, y una nevera de 81 litros.

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This 2-story RV with a kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom can detach to be its own tiny home — see inside Wed, 15 Apr 2020 08:30:09 +0000 Haaks was first started in 2017 when its founders Pim Gijsbers and Jules Luijpen decided that they wanted to find an original product to bring to the camper market. Now, the company has two camper home models and a “Nano House” unit.

The company designed its flagship Opperland camper around three central themes: comfort, sustainability, and freedom, according to a YouTube video linked on Haaks’ website. These themes can all be seen throughout the camper van, from its two-story concept to the sourcing of its materials to the flexibility of the unit and vehicle.


This 2-story Motorhome with a kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom can detach to be its own tiny home Tue, 07 Apr 2020 08:12:06 +0000 Mobile cabin homes are usually all the same: tiny, on wheels and with a similar design. But this micro cabin can be detached from the vehicle that is transporting it and this is such a cool twist. It called the Haaks Opperland campervan and is a two-story tiny cabin placed on a compact Fiat flatbed truck.

